Saturday, April 16, 2011


HIKERS: Kim and Jamie
WEATHER: Partly sunny, 48 f

NOTES: Second hike of the season and it went well... except for the mud. It was dry ground until the hill after the EZ PZ rock, then it turned into slushy, muddy snow. Bummer. We didn't get the full hike in. I guess the weather is going to need to improve a bit more. Other than that, it was great.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


HIKERS: Kim and Jamie
WEATHER: Sunny, windy, 65 f

NOTES: It was a great way to start my birthday. I forgot to time us, but I know it was slow. I am VERY out of shape. Jamie made it to the screen about 2 or 3 minutes before me. It was a bit muddy, snowy, slushy but only in one spot. Definitely a great day to hike. Too bad its supposed to snow tomorrow! :(