HIKERS: Kim, Jamie, Amy, Isa the dog
SUMMIT TIME: 1 hour 2 min
WAY POINTS: Fork 32 min, Flood Zone 42 min
RT TIME: 1 hour 47 min
ELEVATIONS: Summit 7800'
WEATHER: 50 F - 59 F, overcast & rain
AMY'S NOTES: This is Jamie's favorite. Our time is one minute longer than last summer, but interestingly our fork and flood times were also longer (29 & 37 respectively for last year) which means we cruised on the upper stretch this morning. The last section above the flood zone is the steepest. Temperatures were cool with rain on the way down, perfect for the strenuous climb of Petey's. Kim and I hit the Satisfied Ewe afterwards for bacon, sausage, eggs, and a warm up coffee. For comparison see http://hazardstats.blogspot.com/2008/09/petey-bishop-summit-again.html