Hikers: Kim, Amy, Isa
Start time: 9:22 am
End of pavement: 9:56 am
RT time: 56 min.
Weather: Sunny
Kim's Notes: The weather has continued to be sunny, so everything is very muddy, thus we decided to stay on the pavement. We started at a fast pace and kept it up to the top. I was sweating and breathing hard, so it was a good workout. (I knew you wanted to know). We talked about some summit goals for the summer and have decided that we will do a 14,000 ft. peak in Colorado. Now we need to do some research to find out which one will work for us the best. It is a great goal to be working toward. Who wants to come with?
Yay, here we are. I went to the comment settings and changed the set up.
you are amazing. i swear i tried that several times and couldn't get it to work... thanks. great picture on this one.
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