HIKERS: Kim, Sam, Joe, Hilary, Amy
START: 7:15 am
RT TIME: 6 hrs, 15 min
SUMMIT: 2 hr 15 min to saddle, 3 hr to peak
ELEVATION: 9655 ft
WEATHER: 40 F night, 70 F day, sunny
DIRECTIONS: (More reliable than those I found on the internet). West out of Delta on Hwy. 50/6. Near milepost 46, turn north (right) on a graded dirt road. After 4 miles turn left (west) onto another graded road marked "Miller Canyon." After 5.2 miles, turn left (at the bathroom/atv trailhead) onto a lesser-used dirt road that snakes off to the southwest. Pass the Behunin Cabin and camp in lower Sawtooth Canyon.
AMY'S NOTES: A great adrenaline rush to be standing inches away from a one mile vertical drop. We almost lost Kim. At the summit she tripped over a root and literally fell, completely sprawled, only a foot away from the edge. We all looked on in horror. Though afterwards it was rather comic, minus the damage done permanently to her camera and temporarily to her ego :-)
KIM'S NOTES: This was a great hike. We camped over the night before and got an early start the next morning (7 am). The summit view was a wonderful reward. It was really fun to have Sam along. This was our first mother/daughter hike.