Here's Amy in this year's new hiking gear. What do you think? I personally think the faux lederhosen look great!
HIKERS: Kim, Amy, Isa the dog
SUMMIT TIME: 35 min.
RT TIME: 65 min.
WEATHER: 34 f, sunny
KIM'S NOTES: This morning was a gorgeous, spring morning full of sunshine. We hiked well and even went farther than we have for a while. I am reluctant to say it and jinx us, but I think we are seeing (and feeling) some progress.
i've always favored the jumpsuit lederhosen look! and i do look good in it!
we really need to step up our fashion on the mountain. no more middle age women on a hike look... wanna go lederhosen shopping?
Ya know.... I was wondering about having a theme for each day of the week. Maybe, Mondays could be gypsy day, Tuesdays could be 50's, Wednesdays could be knee socks, Thursdays could be crazy hair day, etc... it could be like spirit week in high school.
Amy, I love this blog!
I am so jealous, I miss hiking in mountains!
My oldest brother did a summit a day before the snow fell last fall near Mount Washington in British Columbia. All I've been climbing lately is stairs but hope that changes in june
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