Monday, April 6, 2009


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Date: Dec 2008 - Jan 2009

AMY'S NOTES: Costa Rica has great billboard signage, exquisite beaches, highways that suddenly drop off into the cavernous holes of landslides, amazing fruit that truly is ripe, a humidity that seeps deep into your skin, howler monkeys who conjure such intense primal instincts that honestly I may as well have just teleported to the dinosaur age, ant hills 15 feet across, waterfalls more abundant than utah sagebrush, and more birds sighted in 15 minutes than was possible for me to catolog the entire trip. And Jungles. Everything but the water and sky is green. Deep saturated green. The photos were taken either in the Arenal Volcano area or down on the Osa Peninsula.

1 comment:

going gordon said...

So amazing! I want to go very badly! Thanks for posting all of these. I need to see the rest sometime too.