Hike: Race Loop
Location: Ephraim, UT
Hikers: Kim, Amy, Jamie, Isa the dog
Day: Monday, August 11
Begin: 7:10
Summit: A distinct summit was not found
RT Time: 1 hour 3 min
Weather: 56 F, clear and cool
Notes: The race loop begins by Tank Hill just west of Larsens. This is where we parked. Kim had vague and distant memories of the bike trail loop supplemented by more recent information from Cory (her husband), and between the two, was able to lead us up, down, around, over, and under every hill and pinyon pine on the lower eastern bench. The climax of this mornings' hike was a very steep descent appoximately 3/4 of way through down a loosely graveled hillside. The best way to approach this particular descent is to put aside notions of traction and think speed and snowboard stance instead. It was agreed by all, except the dog who can't talk, that this small section qualifies this hike as "somewhat hazardous." Sorry no pictures.
Once again, Amy, your writing deserves a pulitzer!
Oh, the photo's great too!
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